catherine daniels


Hi there, Thank you for getting back to me.Can you assure me that is in good state and that i will not be disappointed with it?I’m ready to pay your asking price and to be honest, i want to buy this for my Dad as his birthday gift. I a marine biologist that works on the sea at the moment. phone calls making and visiting of website are restricted but i squeezed out time to check this advert and send you an email regarding it so my only quickest payment option is PayPal as i can send money via PayPal anytime.Since I’m requesting this transaction to be done via PayPal, i will be responsible for all the pay pal fee/charges on this transaction and if you don’t have an account with paypal,its pretty easy, safe and secured to open one. Just log on to I hope we can make the purchase as fast as possible? I have a mover that will come for it once payment clears . i will like to see more pics i look forward to hear back from you soon. details that i needed are below Your PayPal e-Mail Address : Full name: Firm Price: God bless you bless you .



35 thoughts on “”

    • My husband got an email exactly word for word just last week! Then today I got the Western Union transfer email. Wow,that person has been very busy. I will do a Google search next time someone emails me about our camper!

  1. Hi there, Thank you for getting back to me.Can you assure me that it’s in good state and that i will not be disappointed with it?I’m ready to pay your asking price and to be honest, i want to buy this for my Dad as his birthday gift. I a marine biologist that works on the sea at the moment. phone calls making and visiting of website are restricted but i squeezed out time to check this advert and send you an email regarding it so my only quickest payment option is PayPal as i can send money via PayPal anytime.Since I’m requesting this transaction to be done via PayPal, i will be responsible for all the pay pal fee/charges on this transaction and if you don’t have an account with paypal,its pretty easy, safe and secured to open one. Just log on to I hope we can make the purchase as fast as possible? I have a mover that will come for it once payment clears . i will like to see more pics i look forward to hear back from you soon. details that i needed are below Your PayPal e-Mail Address : Full name: Firm Price: Your cell phone number: God bless you bless you .

  2. Hi there, Thank you for getting back to me.Can you assure me that it’s in good state and that i will not be disappointed with it?I’m ready to pay your asking price and to be honest, i want to buy this for my Dad as his birthday gift. I a marine biologist that works on the sea at the moment. phone calls making and visiting of website are restricted but i squeezed out time to check this advert and send you an email regarding it so my only quickest payment option is PayPal as i can send money via PayPal anytime.Since I’m requesting this transaction to be done via PayPal, i will be responsible for all the pay pal fee/charges on this transaction and if you don’t have an account with paypal,its pretty easy, safe and secured to open one. Just log on to I hope we can make the purchase as fast as possible? I have a mover that will come for it once payment clears . i will like to see more pics i look forward to hear back from you soon. details that i needed are below Your PayPal e-Mail Address : Full name: Firm Price: Your cell phone number:

  3. So, I got the same messages, however, I got a lot farther with this episode to the point the money is in my paypal account, (which will not be credited or show up until I send paypal a confirmation I have sent a money gram to her agent in Canada) yikes. Glad I decided to look at all this first.

  4. Same message

    Hi there, Thank you for getting back to me.Can you assure me that it’sin good state and that i will not be disappointed with it?I’m ready topay your asking price and to be honest, i want to buy this for my Dad as his birthday gift.I a marine biologist that works on the sea at the moment. phone callsmaking and visiting ofwebsite are restricted but i squeezed out time to check this advertand send you an email regarding it so my only quickest payment optionis PayPal as i can send money via PayPal anytime.SinceI’m requesting this transaction to be done via PayPal, i will beresponsible for all the pay pal fee/charges on this transaction and ifyou don’t have an account with paypal,its pretty easy, safe and secured to open one. Just log onto I hope we can makethe purchase as fast as possible? I have a mover that will come for itonce payment clears . i will like to see more pics i look forward tohear back from you soon. details that i needed are below Your PayPal e-Mail Address :Full name:Firm Price:Your cell phone number: God bless you .

  5. Hi there, Thank you for getting back to me.Can you assure me that it’sin good state and that i will not be disappointed with it?I’m ready topay your asking price and to be honest, i want to buy this for my Dad as his birthday gift.I a marine biologist that works on the sea at the moment. phone callsmaking and visiting ofwebsite are restricted but i squeezed out time to check this advertand send you an email regarding it so my only quickest payment optionis PayPal as i can send money via PayPal anytime.SinceI’m requesting this transaction to be done via PayPal, i will beresponsible for all the pay pal fee/charges on this transaction and ifyou don’t have an account with paypal,its pretty easy, safe and secured to open one. Just log onto I hope we can makethe purchase as fast as possible? I have a mover that will come for itonce payment clears . i will like to see more pics i look forward tohear back from you soon. details that i needed are below Your PayPal e-Mail Address :Full name:Firm Price:Your cell phone number: God bless you .

  6. She’s fishing with me too! It really sounded too good to be true, so I googled and thank goodness someone else has had this problem and posted it so I wasn’t pulled in any farther!

  7. Got the exact same message. My first item that I was selling on Craigs List. Checked with my friend who uses Craigs List a lot. She read the email and she said scam right away. We goggled Catherine Daniels and lo and behold she’s already been made. Thank goodness for blogs like this. Hope the authorities get these folks. I’m practicing Craigs List 1st rule. Deal locally.

  8. I put my trailer on craigslist and received the same letter. I also found out if you do set up your paypal account she/he/ whatever will send you a responce that looks like the link for paypal saying the money is in your account… how do people get away with this crap? I see from all the comments they have been working hard for a long time on this scam.. dont fall for it!

  9. Utilizing the email address of: Catherine Daniels

    Hi there, Thank you for getting back to me.Can you assure me that it’s
    in good state and that i will not be disappointed with it?I’m ready to
    pay your asking price and to be honest, i want to buy this for my Dad
    as his birthday gift. I a marine biologist that works on the sea at
    the moment. phone calls making and visiting of website are restricted
    but i squeezed out time to check this advert and send you an email
    regarding it so my only quickest payment option is PayPal as i can
    send money via PayPal anytime.Since I’m requesting this transaction to
    be done via PayPal, i will be responsible for all the pay pal
    fee/charges on this transaction and if you don’t have an account with
    paypal,its pretty easy, safe and secured to open one. Just log on to I hope we can make the purchase as fast as possible? I
    have a mover that will come for it once payment clears . i will like
    to see more pics i look forward to hear back from you soon. details
    that i needed are below Your PayPal e-Mail Address : Full name: Firm
    Price: Your cell phone number: God bless you


  10. They also use the alias Bonnie Marjorie..thats what sent up a red flag cause the first inquiry i had was from bonnie and then the next was catherine

  11. I got the same scam with our trailer we are selling on Craig’s List. But I asked for a Bill of Lading and I haven’t heard yet. Told them that our neighbor is a State Trooper and it is required for a titled item to cross state lines. I bet we don’t hear from her any more on our trailer. Wow, this person doesn’t give up.

    • Received the same email. Glad I didn’t push off my other interested buyers. Had a bad feeling about this. I was just about to complete my paypal information and send off but decided to google her name and “marine biologist”. Not sure what her/his intent is but thought it was conveinient that she couldn’t show up in person and had an alibi all set up.

  12. I received the same message as a lot of you and it didn’t ring true. I did a name search and it led me to this website. Thank goodness technology has advanced leaps and bounds over the years.

    • The first email I got was from a Drews Croskey. Then I got this one from Catherine Daniels..

      Hi there, Thank you for getting back to me.Can you assure me that it’s
      in good state and that i will not be disappointed with it?I’m ready to
      pay your asking price and to be honest, i want to buy this for my Dad
      as his birthday gift. I a marine biologist that works on the sea at
      the moment. phone calls making and visiting of website are restricted
      but i squeezed out time to check this advert and send you an email
      regarding it so my only quickest payment option is PayPal as i can
      send money via PayPal anytime.Since I’m requesting this transaction to
      be done via PayPal, i will be responsible for all the pay pal
      fee/charges on this transaction and if you don’t have an account with
      paypal,its pretty easy, safe and secured to open one. Just log on to I hope we can make the purchase as fast as possible? I
      have a mover that will come for it once payment clears . i will like
      to see more pics i look forward to hear back from you soon. details
      that i needed are below Your PayPal e-Mail Address : Full name: Firm
      Price: Your cell phone number: God bless you .

  13. Just got the same email… Replied no Paypal cashiers check or cash only with home number. Thought it sounded to good to be true, damn scammers…..


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