I’m making an instant purchase and also wouldn’t mind adding an extra $25 for you to close the ad on craigslist so I can be rest assured I’m the potential buyer. My method of payment would be through a certified bank Check and it will get mailed to you via FedEx or UPS courier service. Do not worry about pick up because my movers will be coming after check has been cashed. Kindly provide me with the following information to facilitate the mailing of the check. 1. Full Name to be on the check 2. Address where payment will be sent to not p.o.box ( because my courier service does not deliver to p.o box ) 3. City 4. State 5. Zip Code 6. Mobile Phone # NB: I would like to also inform you that there will be an excess amount of funds which you will forward to my movers for shipment purpose. Thanks and wish you a wonderful day ahead.