23 thoughts on “elvisluther10@gmail.com”

  1. This idiot continues to keep the same name trying to destroy your life and take your money. I mean what kind of name is Elvis Luther – ya you guessed it a con name. These guys have no originality when it comes to picking names or email addresses. you can tell they are uneducated and from another county.

    • Yep!! He is trying to scam me right now!! He is waiting for me to send him $1000 to ship my product to him after he put $4000 in my pay pal account but the money is on hold. He claims pay pal is waiting for the western union receipt before they will release my money. The guy is an idiot. He claimed he wanted to buy a painting but was not concerned about its authenicity or how it would be delivered. Then has the balls to act like he is pissed at me! LMAO!!

    • wao i dont bealive he got me to is there anyway we could do anything about this this guy even send me a check for 2.540 over fedex please help me cause now the bank we oew money to them

  2. Yup, Elvis contacted myself as well. Thanks for posting this info about not being legitimate. I am blocking his emails from hear on…

  3. I received an email from an Elvis Luther this morning.

    “Still available. Send the price to elvisluther10(at)gmail .com”

    Being as I had already included the price in the CL ad, the question he asked sent up a flag .I did not respond.

    I received an inquiry also from a Lopez Andreson on June 26 , see email below. I responded that I would be consulting my Lawyer prior to proceeding as scams and CL have become nearly synonymous.

    lopez andreson
    Thanks for the prompt response,i will be buying the ads from and i
    will like to you to kindly withdraw the ads from craigslist..and i
    will be paying you via bank certified check from my Bank and the
    payment will be delivered to you via United Parcel Service (UPS or
    FEDEX) and i will like you to get back to me with the following
    information to facilitate the mailing out the check to you… kindly
    get back to me with the..

    Name to be on the payment………..
    Home address………..
    Zip Code…………..
    Cell phone #…………….
    Price for the ITEMS……………….

    I will make arrangements for the pick up as soon as you have your
    money I am completely satisfied with the advert and the payment will
    be delivered within 2-3 working days.** I use a hearing impaired phone
    # and will receive your calls via email ** N.B UPS and FEDEX does not
    deliver to a P.O box addresses.

  4. Same scam – payment through PayPal, asking for address though location was in ad, asking for reference to ad (he must send out so many of these.)

    “Thanks for your response. I will be happy to buy it but i will not be able to come and view it in your place because I’m not at home right now. Note that you will not be responsible for shipping and handling and the payment will be made through PayPal. My shipping company will come to your location for the pick up. Kindly provide me with the address where it will be picked up so that i can forward it to the shipping company to calculate the cost of pick up for me. Do get back to me as soon as possible so that i can proceed with the payment via PayPal, also let me have the link of the item ad on CL.


    Best Regards.”

  5. I guess this elvisluther10(at)gmail.com almost got me too. I am fairly new to the cyber world. I just posted for the first time on craigslist. I did pay attention to the CL relay and to use it for messages. There was another email from Luther this evening and it says that it came from the CL relay but his name was in the box. It said to send my email and name so that he knew who he was dealing with. Like an idiot-even though I had that gut feeling that something isn’t quite right-I did send my email and name. Then-being new to this stuff-I remembered that you can look up on Google. I was just sick to have this name come up so many times. After reviewing everyone’s comments, I went back and marked it as spam. I deleted my message to him but, do not know if it deleted on his end or, if he has already seen my message. Wow-my first time on CL and I fall for a scammer! Thank you everybody who posted on him

  6. I have the Elvis clown on line right now trying to buy my H2 Hummer with the exact same approach. Thanks to everyone for the comments about this idiot, this I am sure has saved a lot of people a big headache!

  7. This is the same approach he gave me, Clown!

    Thanks for your response.  I will be happy to buy it but i will not be able to come and view it in your place because I’m not at home right now. Note that you will not be responsible for shipping and handling and the payment will be made through PayPal.  My  shipping company will come to your location for the pick up.  Kindly provide me with the address where it will be picked up so that i can forward it to the shipping company to calculate the cost of pick up for me.  Do get back to me as soon as possible so that i can proceed with the payment via PayPal.


    Best Regards.

  8. At least he could maybe try and get some basic things right… Asking what State I am in and Zip code is pretty much a no go since I am in Canada. Sheesh…

  9. OK he got my wife and I too. But we didn’t think to look him up beforehand — we already gave him our address and contact info. Has anyone done this? Any ideas how we can stop him or how we should reply?

  10. I received the same type of email from “ElvisLuther” with an offer to buy a generator from me. He even offered to pay an additional $20 for my effort. That made me suspicious so I am glad that I can Google his email address and find out he is a scammer! I spoke with our State Consumer Protection Dept and they gave me a web address to report this to. The web address is http://www.ic3.gov. This is US government department.

  11. hi to all i never thought i was going to be scamed bie this f…idiot he scamed me good he send me a check for 2540 dollar i deposit the check it cleared … now were fu…. we oew the bank the money what can we do to get this son off the bitch… sorry for my swears but im very upset…..


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