Hello, Thanks for your prompt e-mail, it was just exactly what i want and can you assure me that i will not be disappointed buying this from you. I am really interested in purchasing your add, I’m out of state for coaching program where i stationed for my rugby coaching, I will appreciate if you can email me with more picture of it as i won’t be able to see this in person. I want you to answer this question about the item; 1. Are there any other issues with the item not mentioned on Craigslist? I will be glad if you can tell other interested buyers that the item has been sold. I’m offering the exact price listed so please kindly withdraw the ad from Craigslist. I will be paying via PayPal. I can only pay through pay pal at the moment as i do not have access to my bank account online, but i have it attached to my pay pal account, and this is why i insisted on using PayPal to pay. If this is acceptable, advice soon and if you don’t have an account, you can easily create an account fast and easy at www.paypal.com. I will need you to provide the following information to facilitate the Payment 1.Your PayPal Email Address. 2.Your address for pick up. I will be responsible for moving, I will have my mover who handle my shipping from anywhere in the world come over for the pickup after i have made the payment. Thank you for your time.
STILL AVAILABLE FOR SALE… reply me back to rosesmith371(at)gmail.com or reply me with real email for easy transaction.
Just received the same email response from rosesmith371(at)gmail.com about a shed I have listed for sale on Craigslist.
ok let me know the price so i can maker the payment Hello, Thanks for your prompt e-mail, it was just exactly what i want and can you assure me that i will not be disappointed buying this from you. I am really interested in purchasing your add, I’m out of state for coaching program where i stationed for my rugby coaching, I will appreciate if you can email me with more picture of it as i won’t be able to see this in person. I want you to answer this question about the item; 1. Are there any other issues with the item not mentioned on Craigslist? I will be glad if you can tell other interested buyers that the item has been sold. I’m offering the exact price listed so please kindly withdraw the ad from Craigslist. I will be paying via PayPal. I can only pay through pay pal at the moment as i do not have access to my bank account online, but i have it attached to my pay pal account, and this is why i insisted on using PayPal to pay. If this is acceptable, advice soon and if you don’t have an account, you can easily create an account fast and easy at http://www.paypal.com. I will need you to provide the following information to facilitate the Payment 1.Your PayPal Email Address. 2.Your address for pick up. I will be responsible for moving, I will have my mover who handle my shipping from anywhere in the world come over for the pickup after i have made the payment. Thank you for your time.
Just got this one from rosesmith371@gmail.com
“I am interested and okay with the price, my only option right now will be PayPal, I prefer to use PayPal for most online transactions, once i send the money to you, PayPal will notify you through email that the money has been sent to your account, you can have the money immediately through your Bank or Credit Card and get back to me with your PayPal email address and the final asking price so i can send the money to you.Kindly get back to me with the following questions below:
1) Are you the Owner?
2) Pick up Location?
3) Your PayPal Email ID to effect the payment
4)what is The final Price”
Yeah i got one similar to that but name was olivia and then recieved a second email from carlos smith about my oak entertainment center and needing to respond fast and will send check first and then set up pick up. with emails of kimberly3re@gmail.com and aishabeck81@gmail.com
I also got a thing about pickup at my home, and “give me your address”, so I can pick up the item. That whole game went on for a while, till I woke up.
same as person above the e-mail was: kimberly3re@gmail.com
Don’t give out your address, name, or phone number people. Find a different way.
Craigslist is ok for selling items less than $100, but anything of true value sell elsewhere. that is my opinion.
We got one this week.. Even sent me the check! CARLOS SMITH for buying a breast pump!