18 thoughts on “rebeccahoule810@gmail.com”

  1. My movers would come for pick up as soon as you send the shippers funds to him. Am certain paypal must have included the necessary details in the email notification they sent you. Regards, Rebecca Houle

  2. I’m in the process of dealing with this same email address. They offered to send a cashier’s check, but here “secretary” made the check out for too much money, so I will need to pay the shipping costs once the check clears. Haha! Who even says secretary anymore. Besides that, there were tons of spelling and grammar errors. I’m not sure why someone who can’t use the English language would have a secretary anyway.

    Anyway, thanks for the heads up on this. I guess I’m going to have to start the process over of selling this “Armoire.”

  3. We have just been frauded by the person using this e-mail address rebeccahoule810@gmail.com and rebccahoule719@gmail.com Same message about the camera she was looking to buy for her son and willingness to pay via PayPal. Unfortunately we did not make the research about this fraudster before shipping the camera to an address in Quebec, Canada and sure enough we never got the money for it. So never, ever accept any correspondence or promisses of payment from the person usig this (obvisouly fake) name.

  4. Same text…I would be extremely cautious

    I am making this inquiry for my aunt Diane,
    She wants to purchase this for her Grand-son for his birthday. Can you ship to Oklahoma . She will pay for shipping cost .
    She will be making payment via PayPal.Do you have a PayPal account ?

    Rebecca Houle”

  5. Had the same exact thing happen. Wanted to buy a camera for her son, or something like that. Just reported her officially to the FBI internet fraud department. She seriously needs to be stopped.

  6. In regards to an iPhone 4:

    I am making this inquiry for my aunt Diane,
    She wants to purchase this for her Grand-son for his birthday. Can you ship to Oklahoma . She will pay for shipping cost .
    She will be making payment via PayPal.Do you have a PayPal account ?

    Rebecca Houle .

  7. I was selling a camera in PA and just got a similar e-mail from “rebeccahoule711@gmail.com” I AM SO GLAD I GOOGLED THE EMAIL! I was just about to send the Paypal money request, but things just didn’t seem right. Here are some of the emails I received:

    I am making this inquiry for my uncle Virgil.
    He wants to purchase this for his Grand-son for his birthday. Can you ship to Oklahoma . He will pay for shipping cost .
    He will be making payment via PayPal.Do you have a PayPal account ?

    Rebecca Houle .”

    Here’s the next email:
    “Hello Rich,
    This is the address for you calculate shipping costs –407 E Cincinnati Ave, Muskogee. Oklahoma, 74403.
    Do send a Paypal request totaling the purchase costs and shipping costs to this email address– vgray711@gmail.com
    P.S : A 2-day shipping will be preferred .

    Rebecca Houle.”

    I sent an email saying that two day would be $50 and 4 day priority would only be $20. I wanted to confirm the shipping. Here’s the reply (in a new email, not a replied email)

    “Hello Rich,
    How are you doing ?
    The 2 day express shipping will be preferred.
    Will be expecting you to send the invoice soon.

    Rebecca Houle.”

  8. Hey guys… I like to use Craigslist to sell a lot of my used equipment. More than half of the time I get spam requests. Actually I like to have fun with them. I play along to get their hopes up just like they do to other people.

    I don’t want to sound insulting, but who actually falls for these scams? They seem so primitive.

  9. Haha..

    I want to make this purchase for my step-son involved in peace-keeping mission in Africa.
    Can you ship to West Africa ,Nigeria . I will pay for shipping cost .
    I will be making payment via PayPal.Do you have a PayPal account ?

    Rebecca Houle .

  10. I filed a complaint with the Office of the Attorney General State of Oklahoma as the mailing addresses given to me were both in OK. Today, I received a letter from that office – and would encourage you to file with them as well! Here is what the letter included:

    “We have been unable to reach resolution of the above-referenced consumer complaint…….. However, we have recorded your complaint. IF WE RECEIVE ADDITIONAL COMPLAINTS against the same entity which indicates a pattern of deceptive conduct, we may be able to proceed further at that time.”

    If you contact them about your own complaint, eventually (with enough complaints) they may be able to do something about shutting this operation down.

  11. craigslist, i received this.. be careful, name change 😉

    ok that wont be a problem do send a Paypal request totaling the
    purchase costs and shipping costs to this email address–
    vgray711@gmail.com. This is the address –407 E Cincinnati Ave,
    Muskogee. Oklahoma, 74403.

    P.S : A 2-day shipping will be preferred

    is this item still for sale

    Beverly L James

  12. Yeah I got the Virgil Gray character. I tried researching the number and I believe it to be a landline (not a home phone) in Aberdeen, SD. He wasn’t able to fool me fortunately, but I would like to catch the little f@ck. I just don’t know how to go about it.

  13. Using the name Peter Johnson now, and an address in OK.


    Here is the latest email:

    Hello Scott ,
    How are you doing ?
    I do understand what you mean by being cautious , i want to assure you that you have nothing to worry about .

    My uncle’s grandson’s birthday is this weekend and he will like to present the camera to him then .

    This is the address for you calculate shipping costs –407 E Cincinnati Ave, Muskogee. Oklahoma, 74403.
    Do send a paypal request totalling the purchase costs and shipping costs to this email address– vgray711@gmail.com
    P.S : A 2-day shipping will be prefered .

    And please do let me know when you must have sent the invoice .



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