porziosm957@hotmail.I found your ad and decided to ask you something very important. I am in a relationship and caught my partner cheating on me so I decided to get even! My best friend said cl would be the best place to find someone nearby who I can hook up with for one time only so thought the heck, I would email someone I thought sounded hot in the ad and came across yours! You seem real and exciting so would you be maybe interested in chatting online first to see if we’re feeling each other? To prove to you that I am real, Im going to private message you all of my pix and phone # as soon as I see you log in. Can you call me today if you think I am hot? This way I can weed out bots and scammers as I’m sick of them! I bet you’ll be stunned to see who I am! 🙂  -Sent via my iPad