
Hi. I just viewed your advert posted. I will be glad to meet you today ortomorrow to look at it between 11:30-7:00pm. I work nights and my shift starts at 7:30 pm. Saturday is my off day and I can come around then check it out on Saturday anytime after 11:30am, i have to pick somebody up from airport at9:45am. Could you possibly show it to me tomorrow? Let me know what time i can come to take a look, i want to be sure if it’s still in great condition before i purchase it and i’m ready to pay in cash…You can email me here @mixgreennil0920@gmail.com. Let me know. Thanks! Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

6 thoughts on “mixgreennil0920@gmail.com”

  1. Hi. I just viewed your advert posted. I will be glad to meet you today to look at it between 11:30-7:30pm. I work nights at my shift starts at 7:30 pm. Sunday is my off day and I can come around then check it out anytime Today after 11:30am after i get back from church. Could you possibly show it to me tomorrow? Let me know what time i can come to take a look it, i want to be sure if it’s still in great condition before i purchase it and i’m ready to pay in cash… You can email me or send me your cell # here @ mixgreennil0920@gmail.com . Let me know. Thanks! Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

    • They will get your address.
      Send you a fake check.
      Then pressure you to wire some of the money back to them (paypal or western union).
      The check will then bounce.

  2. Why does Craigslist not hire people to delete these scam replies.

    I just viewed your advert posted. I will be glad to meet you today to look at it between 11:30-7:30pm. I work nights at my shift starts at 7:30 pm. Tuesday is my off day and I can come around then check it out on Tuesday anytime after 11:30am, i have to pick somebody up from the airport at 9:45am. Could you possibly show it to me tomorrow? Let me know what time i can come to take a look it, i want to be sure if it’s still in great condition before i purchase it and i’m ready to pay in cash…You can email me here @ purryz@greenbaycoy.com . Let me know. Thanks!


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