Below are the necessary information requested before your account will be credited.Send shipment tracking number to PayPal processing department at or call (385) 218-3733 and our customer service will attend to you. As soon as you send us the shipment tracking number to us for security purpose and the safety of the buyer and the seller,the money will be credited to your account within 48hours after shipping verification.Do not send the tracking reference number to the buyer until will credited your account.Your fund is still pending in our Account Database.

2 thoughts on “”

  1. Thanks for the reply to my mail ,I would like to proceed with the payment. I’m buying it for someone special as a gift.My form of payment would be via(paypal) for you have your fund quicker and faster,you can read more about paypal at .I’ll proceed with payment as soon as you agree with my mode of payment. i’ll need your name and paypal email address. Once the payment is verified and confirmed by paypal,additional $50 would be included by me to cover shipping cost via Usps post office Express mail service. Hope to hear from you asap. Paul

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