Thanks so much for your loyalty and dedication towards making sureyou get a good job well done for my family…I need to illustrate outsome few things for you to understand and be able to put inpractice..I need you to understand that as a peaceful family which ihave, i will want a good and tender and loving plus caring personalitywho will be able to have a good and cordial relationship with myfamily..You are welcomed always and anytime anyday..I have 2 kids so iwill be expecting a friendly welcome from you and they can always feelgood in your presence..I have promised you that payment and equipmentswont be the problem in your case…It is highly appreciatedbecause it has made the arrangement scheme easier for me to decide..Ineed you to understand that after all our general conversations andemails, You have rightly the good person for my family..Cleaningequipment are not a problem and there will be some little cleaningsupplies that i have with me, so i guess i will be relocating down tothe apartment with that and in case you need out of them, you are freeto use it… Is there anything that needed to be donewhich will be to the fullest satisfaction and conviniency of your work? I have forwarded your house address to the agent that will be on thesearch for the house location and she has promised to make itsomething close to you and be easier for you to be able to make itdown there and carry out your assignment, So please dont worry aboutthe address,I will tell the agent to mail the key to you once he getsa suitable apartment.I will be so glad to read from you and onceagain, its so good to have you as our personal housekeeper..I have discussed everything with my wife and kids and theyare easy and friendly to me, I absolute believe that you are surelygoing to have a nice time working with them..You are not just onlyworking as our house cleaner, We are going to take you as a member ofthe family because there will be full general support..So, based onthe payment i am so sorry for the delay, it is going to be deliveredto you this coming week unfailingly and i will want you to please bepatient with me…I will let you have the tracking # as soon as it isout and when to watch out for it so that you can be home when it isdelivered..Assoon as the payment is delivered to you, you are to keep your workcharges that we agreed upon and the remaining balance you will beusing to buy Groceries/Food Stuffs and other things needed in thehouse, you will be getting this Food Stuffs and other home materialsbefore our arrival date..I sincerely believe that all my emails isunderstood clearly and every is right for your commencement..Please dostay in touch with me if you have any questions or rather maybe myemail is fully understood..It is lovely staying in touch with you everyday.Hope you have a wonderful and lovely day..Due to my relocation,My line maybe out of work for now but as soon as i get it back on, i will textyou and you canstay in touch back with me on it.Await to read from you asap.Thanks