Hi, I am interested ,and you should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship and most of time i am out to sea.So it is an agent that would be coming for the pick up. I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100 to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers; What is your FINAL PRICE?
Louis Lambertt <> wrote: > >> HI, still available for sale ? i am interested in buying , waiting for >> your response thanks Louis
Received exact same message today.
I recieved it today ima find the culprit interpol ps
Same message word for word demanding pay pal acct and email
In the last 4 hours I have got the same message like 10 times in text email and now there calling no matter what u say they stick to there script most cant speak English to well
Get this guy off CL….NOW. I’m sick to death of scammers on CL.
Similar e-mail.> This is the email that sent us that same exact message today in regards to our CL post. Jim Kelvinz or whoever he is needs to be stopped. Thought it was a scam the second we recieved the email. So we googled his name to see lots of scams linked with his name and email. The only thing that has changed is the email address.
They are still at it…got the same email yesterday, 2-18-13
I also received this message today 2/22/13
Same email, word for word. Tried to but a motorcycle from me, told me he would do it through paypal. Some one stop this idiot before someone gets taken!!
From: “”
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2013 6:37 AM
I am interested ,what is your final Price ?waiting for your rsponse at ( with your personal email address for effective communication.
Same thing I have a automobile for sale. I get this e-mail:
I am interested ,what is your final Price ?waiting for your rsponse at ( with your personal email address for effective communication.
Yup. Exactly the same. Louis Lambert.
Thanks to OP for putting this out there. I almost sent an exploratory reply to this yutz…
Just received the same email word for word today.
I also received this message almost word for word.
just received a word for word email about my car from this L. Lambert happy i googled his email address. i wondered why i was emailed so fast.
12:37 AM (9 hours ago)
I am interested ,what is your final Price ?waiting for your response with your personal email address for a faster communication.
L. Lambert
I even placed in my ad that viewers should only contact me if they can meet me in my home town with cash money. I will not be catfished.
Same deal. 3/10/13
thanks for this i just got the same email… this is how i responded…
Sorry after a google search i discovered that you are likely a scam
You are a better person then this… even if you are working for someone else, please consider working hard to turn your life around and make good choices. Trading integrity for money is a dead end. Looking in the mirror at yourself when you live a life that is full of untruth is not the way God made you to live. He desires FREEDOM for all. He traded His only Son for your freedom.
I know it will unlikely make a difference but i figured it is better then cussing them out and getting mad.. thanks for all your help!!
Just received this exact email from this exact person regarding my car for sale.
I had the same message sent to me from an add I placed on facebook. What is up with this guy? I gave him my paypal info. Name/Email address. Is he hacking accounts or what?? What a looser!!
He just hopes people will send him money.
——— Forwarded message ———-
Date: Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 8:34 AM
They are still at it….
I am interested ,what is your final Price ?waiting for your response with your personal email address for a faster communication.
Louis Lambert
Hi, You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal email add. and name with more pictures . I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100 to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers.
I am stringing this idiot along right now, he doesn’t know that I know lol!!
He tried it on me, too. Forward any messages you receive from him to PayPal. If you call PayPal they’ll give you the email address to forward his emails to so they can research it and hopefully catch this guy.
I did receive the same From:
You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for
someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship
and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be
coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal
email add. and name with more pictures .
I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the
email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment
asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would
not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated
place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100
to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers.
I received the same exact e-mail word for word for a trailer I am selling. He’s an idiot!!!
I just recieved the exact same message… He/She/They are still at it!
Glad I googled the email address as well. Something about the wording and the punctuation just didn’t seem right to me.
Watch out for this one!
This is the response I received today!!!! You cant trust people to be honest at all!!
You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for
someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship
and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be
coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal
email add. and name with more pictures .
I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the
email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment
asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would
not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated
place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100
to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers.
They tried with us also, here’s the email:
You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for
someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship
and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be
coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal
email add. and name with more pictures .
I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the
email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment
asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would
not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated
place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100
to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers.
Same thing here too…
You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for
someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship
and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be
coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal
email add. and name with more pictures .
When i catch u lol lmfao i refused to send him n e thing u are a male b/c this ball of negative and greedy energy you carry tells me otherwise also u are caucasion mid-30’s im getting hotter can u feel me on ya ass, im getting closer bastard and when i see u Bang bang got cho ass mf i will catch u lol BANG BANG
Just got same email!
You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for
someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship
and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be
coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal
email add. and name with more pictures .
I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the
email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment
asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would
not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated
place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100
to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers.
5/26 response to my CL ad to sell a farm tractor:
You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for
someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship
and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be
coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal
email add. and name with more pictures .
I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the
email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment
asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would
not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated
place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100
to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: craigslist 3828985528
Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 12:19:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RE: Farm tractor, w/loader & backhoe unit
That is my final price.
On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 7:05 PM, Jim wrote:
I am interested,what your final price? please respond
with your alternative email address for a faster communication.
Thanks Jim K
Same message today (5/30/13) from the same e-mail; however, he indicated his name was Jim.
In a message dated 5/31/2013 6:18:14 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at “” i will reply right away. Thanks
Jim Kelvinz
Ugh. I responded before I looked at this.. here’s his email:
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at “” i will reply right away. Thanks
Jim Kelvinz
Is it bad that I responded with my personal work email? Is there anything he can do?
I got this email from Jim Kelvinz as well… wouldn’t have gotten anything from me, but now I know his response to me will be BS. Oh well, only wasted a couple mins of my time. The point of the scam is to send too much and then ask that they only return a small portion in cash and keep the rest of the phony check.
Hi Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at “” i will reply right away. Thanks Jim Kelvinz
Got the same reply from “Jim Kelvinz” today. If you’re going to change the name you use for a scam, maybe pick a real one? Still, there’s no reason this guy should still be out there.
I recieved the exact same email at 5:18 am on 5-31-2013 in regards to a car for sale. Glad I googled it.
Received email from Jim :Hi
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at “” i will reply right away. Thanks
Jim Kelvinz
Changed tactics a little but the same bs…
I received this same exact offer on my jeep i am selling. I dont understand what he expects to get out of this. I didnt give him any info yet thank god and with paypal security idk what he could get if i did give him my info. Oh well, what a loser!
I got it, too, an offer on my Cadillac! Didn’t bite – what a jerk!
Received the same email 4 different times… One exactly as above, others same story slightly different wording using dofferent aliases. Almost fell for it the first time. I will be reporting all my emails and texts!
With PayPal, they place a hold until you take money out of your own pocket to a western union to pay a pick up agent! Also used other names like Kimberly, Stephen, etc.
I just recieved this email yesterday too 6-3-2013 Hi,
You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for
someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship
and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be
coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal
email add. and name with more pictures .
I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the
email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment
asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would
not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated
place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100
to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers.
Same email, but from a different address:
You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for
someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship
and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be
coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal
email add. and name with more pictures .
I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the
email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment
asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would
not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated
place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100
to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers.
Yup same here. I contacted paypal and forwarded the email he sent me. LOL even sent me a fake paypal email like I wouldn’t know, seriously. I hope this guy does get caught and burned.
Received the same email today as the above folks. Am trying to sell a motorcycle. Good idea to forward the email to Paypal. There should be a way to stop these people.
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ” ” i will reply right away. Thanks
Just received the same message. What an idiot!!
Wow this guy has had a busy morning. I received the same exact message.
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ” ” i will reply right away. Thanks
Selling a motorcycle and received same email like others about. Found it strange and checked for possible scams using pay pal and was very informative.
I will be contacting paypal and craigslist about this guy thank you and good luck to all.
Got the same “is it still for and how much are you willing to go down?” Etc etc.
I am located in Florida and from what I understand all this goes around in other states as well right?
Same email today. Ronnie, you are correct. I live in Nebraska, so this scam is all over the place.
I received the same exact emails from the same address. Here’s my email response. Wanna bet I don’t hear back…
I suggest you familiarize yourself with Florida Statute Title XLVI, Chapter 817 which covers Crimes for Fraudulent Practices, especially subsections 817.02, 817.03, 817.061, and 817.568. You have used the same email address and email content to contact many people who have items for sale on Craigslist, with the intentions to defraud them of hard earned money. Please seek gainful, productive employment instead of criminal activity.
I would very much like to sell my motorcycle, and do not appreciate my time being wasted by you.
I got the same thing and I hope he is reading this thread because in about 24 hours he will have a rude awakening.
Recieved this today,
You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for
someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship
and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be
coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal
email add. and name with more pictures .
I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the
email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment
asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would
not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated
place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100
to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers.
Trying to better my family and this crud happens. Unbelievable
Got this same reply word for word yesterday. About a horse!! No thank you what a fraud
-same here.
these morons are ruining the Craigslist process of buying and selling.
The government should step in to curtail these fraudulent practices.
Let’s clean up America’s cyberspace.
Same email as of today. I Googled Craigslist scams after that. He did send a hyperlink which I know better than to open!
Yup sounds all to real to me so I asked him questions like how is he able to respond by email on the ship ..n also why he send the sanme email such everyone here has goten to both my emails twice n he only responds to one question ..what’s ur email PayPal account n full name lol what a joke he must think we are that stupid to fall for it …btw u don’t pressure any one to make a PayPal account lol what a joke
haha got a new one
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ” ” i will reply right away. Thanks
I received one in tennessee.
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ” ” i will reply right away. Thanks
Received one in Northern California today. Same message from Jim Kelvinz at . Just sounded too fishy so I went looking and found the rest of you. Replied back to him with, “nice try”.
I got the same e-mail about a motorcycle I am selling except it came from This is the 2nd one I have gotten from my Craigs list ad.
His email scam continues.
You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for
someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship
and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be
coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal
email add. and name with more pictures .
I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the
email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment
asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would
not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated
place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100
to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers.
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go
down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ” ” i will reply right away. Thanks
I got the same thing just now. I decided to take a different approach. I don’t have id info in my email I use for CL. I sent him a filthy picture.
1:26 PM (1 hour ago)
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ”” i will reply right away. Thanks
Jim kelvinz
I wrote:
2:57 PM (1 minute ago)
to Jim
Come fuck me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
((nasty pic))
I got the same message yesterday, almost fell for it until I googled the name he left Jim kelvinz.
You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for
someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship
and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be
coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal
email add. and name with more pictures .
I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the
email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment
asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would
not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated
place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100
to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers.
Got the message
Do you still have it for sale? and how much are you willing to go down to? Kinly cc/forwaerd your response to my work email at
Got the message
Do you still have it for sale? and how much are you willing to go down to? Kinly cc/forwaerd your response to my work email at I will reply right away. thanks
Jim Kelvinz
I got the same one as Ashley. It’s always smart to Google anyone who replies to your Craigslist post. I got it in response to a computer I’m trying to sell in Virginia
I got the same email today. 06/27/2013. I even put calls only and cash only.
Him Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ”‘” i will reply right away. Thanks
Jim kelvinz
Yes it is still available for now. The lowest we will go is $7,300. The blue book value is $7,000 with just the truck no extras. Thank you.
to me
3 hours agoDetails
You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for
someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship
and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be
coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal
email add. and name with more pictures .
I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the
email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment
asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would
not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated
place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100
to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers.
37 minutes agoDetails
We are taking cash only request. If you are still interested let me know what you want for pics and how soon can you have someone in Freeport to look at it. Thank you.
This is “his” current e-mail:
Google takes my brains out if I mess up on password, yet they allow jerks like that create numerous fake accounts. Wake up, Google!!! Before you know it, we’ll migrate to Outlook.
just curious sam, what does migrating to Outlook change? Google mail is like other email services and Outlook is simply a front-end interface that allows you to via/use email in a more user-friendly GUI mode. just a FYI.
Messages asking for personal information (phishing)
Messages asking for personal information (phishing)
Sign in to Gmail.
Open the message you’d like to report.
Click the down arrow next to ‘Reply’, at the top-right of the message pane.
Select ‘Report Phishing’.
If you do not have a Gmail account, but would like to report a Gmail user who is sending phishing messages, fill out this form.
Jim (
Add to contacts
6:45 AM
Picture of Jim
I received this spam…. obvious by the above comments this person has been doing this for a very long time, it doesn’t seemed possible that he can not be stopped.
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ” ” i will reply right away. Thanks
Jim Kelvinz
This is the response I got to a Craigslist car ad.
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ”” i will reply right away. Thanks
Jim kelvinz
I too have rec’d an email with the name Jim Kelvinz. The email came from in response to a craigslist post.
I will try and report this to gmail? maybe they can ban Jim Kelvinz, since most of his emails are linked to gmail.
My back and forth with this guy was more or less the same as Laura’s above.
I got this email from him today in regard to an ad I placed on Craigslist
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ”” i will reply right away. Thanks
Jim Kelvinz”
Got a messages today from Jim Kelvinz, and stupid me replied. I will wait for his response and string him along. I know better than to take Paypal…and my car is a cash only deal. I cannot wait to string him along.
Here is my email:
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ” ” i will reply right away. Thanks
Jim Kelvinz
Just received this email from the jackass!
> Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ” ” i will reply right away. Thanks
> Jim Kelvinz
Got an email from him about a horse:
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ” ” i will reply right away. Thanks
Jim Kelvinz
Same thing today. I responded with I don’t take paypal, but you could just as easily wire the money to yourpick up agent, and they can pay me cash. Never heard back…
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ” ” i will reply right away. Thanks
Jim Kelvinz
Got this today. This guy needs to go sit on a broken bottle!!!
My reply to same e-mail.
I too am out to sea. Maybe we are on the same boat. As a Nigerian Finance Minister, I often take trips such as these.
From: “” <
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 2:24 PM
You should consider it sold .Actually ,I am buying it for
someone and payment would be through PayPal . I am working in a ship
and presently, i am out to sea.So it is a pick up agent that would be
coming for the pick up.So i would like you to forward your Paypal
email add. and name with more pictures .
I would be expecting your prompt reply,with the name and the
email address on your PayPal account so that i could make the payment
asap and i will appreciate if you could send more pics as i would
not be seeing it in person and pick up should be at a designated
place or your residence.And, lastly , i am offering additional $ 100
to your final price for you to keep it off from other offers.
Is he ? Same?
Do you still have it for sale ?And how much are you willing to go down to? Kindly cc/forward your response to my work email at ” ” i will reply right away. Thanks
Jim Kelvinz