Thanks for your prompt e-mail, it was just exactly what i wanted and can you assure me that i will not be disappointed buying this from you. I am really interested in purchasing your ad. Am a Marine Engineer and am offshore right now, I will appreciate if you can email me with more picture of it as i won’t be able to see this in person. I would like you to answer this question about the item;I would have call you but am sorry phone calls is restricted here on the offshore. 1. Are there any other issues with the item not mentioned on Craigslist? I will be glad if you can tell other interested buyers that the item has been sold. I’m offering the exact price listed so please kindly withdraw the ad from Craigslist Post. I will be paying via PayPal. I can only pay through pay pal at the moment as i do not have access to my bank account online, but i have it attached to my PayPal account, and this is why i insisted on using PayPal to pay. If this is acceptable, advice soon and if you don’t have an account, you can easily create an account fast and easy at I will need you to provide the following information to facilitate the Payment 1.Your Registered PayPal Name and Registered PayPal Email Address. 2.Your address for pick up And Your Phone number for me to forward it to the pick up agent for them to schedule time and date for the pick up. I’ll be responsible for the pick-up and the pick up money will be included in your payment to avoid delay and to enable pick up company to schedule an appropriate time for the pick-up at your location after funds has been received Thanks.
I got the same email too from this guy. He initiated the conversation with, “Is it still for sale?” Then I got this generic email from him. For a Marine engineer, his grammar is awfully poor. He must of not taken any English in college.
I highly recommend trolling him back since he’s wasting your time. He asks for additional pictures, you should oblige him and send a picture of your middle finger, or maybe even your brown eye.
Mr. James doesn’t appreciate trolling, but it makes for some good lolz.
jason, keep us updated on the trolling!