Hi there, I am Jim, Chief executive officer of Craigslist. We a short while ago partnered with Apple mackintosh for a once only marketing event as of late, we are now giving out no-cost MacBook Air to randomly selected men and women which have published an advert that use Craig’s list. You’ve been picked as one of our most recent winners for this week, for the ad you posted “1993 Cadillac Sedan de Ville WHITE”. Our team randomly choose numbers to go with with classified ads on C-list and your offer matched up with this recent drawing. Sorry if you missed out on our last Drawing, but here is your chance once again We’ve combined with The apple company to market their coolest gadget yet, the Apple MacBook Air. Again, I am managing this special promotion for 24 hours only. What you need to do is Follow This Link to see our website specifically for this promotion and put in your email to receive yours cost free. Remember you enter your e-mail so we may track down our records make sure that we have set-aside one just for you. That’s all! Well done on winning a free Apple MacBook Air (valued at $1,479.00). Should you need any concern or questions, can easily e mail me back. Nonetheless, make sure you claim your cost-free MacBook Air first off to be certain that one of them is going to be booked for you prior to the time frame comes to an end. We recognize that chances are you may potentially not receive this e mail till after the due date, still, we suggest you view the web-site and enter your email to see if we still have yours on hand, which we often do due to this fact others had not claimed theirs in time. Jim Ceo, Craigslist.org