Hey there Someone just bought this from me, but I can tell you where I got it from. I just got 3 of these fromĀ and I resold them on craigslist for some extra money. The trick is to watch for bidding to slow down and then put in a bid. That’s what I do and I win most of the time. Regards Sent from my iPhone
same thing here – SPAM
craigslist ad for 46″ LED Samsung tv for $75. email response was..
Hey there
Someone just bought this from me, but I can tell you where I got it from.
I just picked up 3 of these from bidBLAH.com and I resold them on here for some extra money.
The trick is to watch for bidding to slow down and then jump in. That’s what I do and I win most of the time.
Sent from my iPhone Sandra Adams sandra@flayercurtainco.com